This is an archive of some recently sold paintings. I love to have a visual reminder of my paintings that have been purchased by a collector and I am extremely grateful for the interest in my work. If you would have liked to buy any of these paintings, please ensure you sign up to my newsletter so you don’t miss new collections.
What my collectors say
I was drawn immediately to “Spring Sunlight”, by the vibrant fresh spring green that dominates the canvas. I had not seen that colour used so successfully to convey the special quality of light on a clear day early in the year, when the wind can still be sharp and searching.
Buying art online gives me access to a wider range of artwork. I have been following your youtube and so was very familiar with your work and had seen you developing the paintings. Therefore, buying online was not a problem. When my art arrived it was better than expected because of the size and detail. The painting arrived in excellent condition-the packing was perfect.
I love that Liz’s paintings are abstract interpretations of the natural world, it combines two things I love. Her paintings have real depth and there is always something new to see in every corner of the painting. " Snowstorm Beginnings" catches the eye of everyone coming into our living room. We moved things around so there was enough space around the picture to do it justice.
I love my paintings as they are fresh every time I look at them. A new thing to see, a patch of texture, a rich colour, a cheering juxtaposition. "Summer Veil" is in our bedroom and I like its quieter mood which suits the room. "Edgelands in Focus" is on a big wall in the sitting room and complements our colours scheme. I like its movement and dynamic with lovely bits of detail that are very reminiscent of your sketches and concertina works. They are both great living companions.